Our programme encompasses the mathematical concepts outlined in the Primary National Curriculum for Year 1-6, ensuring a systematic development of knowledge and skills.

In 2022, we started supporting students in secondary schools, aiming to secure any learning gaps in their primary maths to help them succeed in secondary education. We did this through assessment; identifying which areas of maths each student was not secure in and to what level, establishing a baseline, and then creating a personalised ‘Roadmap’ of lessons for each student to follow to close these gaps, using our lesson ‘Bundles’ programme.

Each maths bundle covers a different topic area within each year group (level) and consists of between 1 to 10 lessons, depending on the topic and year group. Each tutorial features a video detailing the lesson content, how to teach it, modelled examples and three levels of work to cater for different levels of challenge, with answers.

Each bundle concludes with an assessment to check the student is now secure in this topic area and ready to move on. This assessment is also used to gauge their confidence, track their progress and assess overall impact.

How our programme works

Following our initial discussions with your school, our comprehensive tutoring programme involves multiple stages. From assessments and baseline tracking to extending our support and delivering training to school staff responsible for implementing the programme, we are in contact with you to ensure you and your students are supported and progressing in their maths.

Please see our video below for a detailed explanation or download our flow chart.

Track each student individually

Following an initial assessment of each student, we produce a tracking sheet of their baseline assessment across 20 areas of maths. These include Number (place value, rounding, negative numbers), Operations (addition and subtraction, and multiplication and division), Fractions (fraction operations, Decimal/fraction/percentage equivalents, decimals and their operations, percentages, ratio and proportion), Geometry (2D and 3D shape, direction and movement, angles), Measure (units, time, money, area and perimeter), Statistics (data formats, mean average) and Algebra.

Identify student gaps

We identify the gaps for each student and where they need to revert back to in their learning using our knowledge of the Primary Curriculum and our Programme.

Creation of individual Roadmaps

We provide each student with a ‘Roadmap’ path through our bundle programmes to recap on, and close their learning gaps. Students can be grouped to support staffing. 

Access to our programme bundles

Once a roadmap has been provided, the student and tutor are able to access the relevant topic bundles via our online portal.

Bundles include a series of tutorials within a maths topic area for each year group (level) 1 to 6. Within each bundle are a series of tutorials, building a student’s understanding through a video and supporting worksheets.

Bundle tutorials

Students and tutors access the bundle identified on the student’s Roadmap and work their way through the series of tutorial videos. Each tutorial is supported by 3 levels of printable work (and answers).

Assessments after each topic bundle

At the end of each ‘Topic Bundle’ on the student’s Roadmap, there is an assessment to complete, independently, and pass, before moving on so we know these gaps are being filled and maths foundations are being secured. 

Feedback form

This form is completed by the member of tutoring staff in school and returned to ourselves so we can monitor progress, update tracking and identify any changes that need to be made to the Roadmap. This feedback form is to be completed weekly or every three weeks depending upon the type of provision required.

Tracking updated after each term

We use the information gathered from the feedback form and any discussions with the tutoring staff to update the tracking formally 2-3 times each academic year. This gives us, the school and the student a visual picture of progress within the different maths areas.

Supporting resources

For an additional cost, we can provide all students with their own labelled pack of familiar primary resources and posters which we know are the best to support their learning and develop their understanding. Packs are tailored to the needs of each student with students, who need more concrete learning, including appropriate resources for their level.

Want to know more about our programme?

The types of support we offer

We offer two levels of provision where intervention is needed: ‘Specialist’ or ‘Targeted’ provision.

Specialist provision is for students who need more specialist, regular support, with all maths lessons being replaced with the programme. This may be for students with additional needs or maybe just students who have fallen significantly behind. We will work more closely with ‘Specialist’ tutoring staff to make sure these students are receiving anything extra they need.

Targeted provision is for students who may just need their normal maths lessons supplemented with extra support in some areas to enable them to correct misconceptions and fill gaps in their understanding so they can reach their full potential with their secondary learning.


Lower attainment & not accessing school maths lessons 

Need more support and regular lessons

Slower pace of learning

May have other difficulties which impact

Different learning styles

Need a different variety of lesson content for interest


Significant or specific gaps impacting progress

Continue with regular maths lessons  but supplement with lessons using the programme  to close gaps and secure understanding

Faster pace of learning

Response from Parents

“I am grateful to the school for putting something in place that means my child can access learning at the right stage for them.”

Response from Students

“This is the first time I have understood maths”

Response from Tutors

“It is amazing! He wouldn’t do anything, Said he couldn’t do it – now he is never late and loves his maths!”

Could your school benefit from our programme?

Complete our short form and one of our consultants will be in touch soon to provide you with further information about how our programme can support your school.