Sue and Maryanne originally started their online tutoring programmes at Tutor Your Child to support parents following the Covid school closures. The tutorials enabled parents, with no knowledge of teaching methods or progression, or the curriculum requirements, to support their child through videoed tutorials and three levels of work.

We were then approached by a secondary school to discuss how their programmes could support students who were struggling in maths due to gaps in their primary understanding. We quickly realised just how many students were affected. We worked with the secondary school to adapt their programmes to build the School Consultancy Programme. Working with schools has been incredibly rewarding, and witnessing students gaining skills, understanding, and confidence in maths.

Sue Fraser The School Consultancy Tutoring Programme

Sue trained as a Primary Teacher 16 years ago (completing her PGCE), following a very different career in banking. 

She has worked in schools for many years, as a class teacher and literacy leader. Several years ago, Sue also began private tutoring for maths and English.

Sue enjoys the challenge and rewards of supporting students with a variety of needs and confidence issues, and nurturing and encouraging them to believe in themselves and regain their confidence.

Louisa Hillman

Louisa qualified as a Primary Teacher in 2001, and stepped into the role of Deputy Headteacher 10 years later. 

Shortly afterwards, Louisa completed her National Professional Qualification for Headship and became Headteacher of a Kent primary school until leaving in 2024 to look after her young family.

Louisa is passionate about supporting wellbeing and is also a certified trauma informed coach, using the skills she has learnt to make sure all young people can shine.

Maryanne was a founding director of the School Consultancy Programme with Sue before retiring in September 2024.

She is a trained Primary Teacher with an honours degree in primary education and has taught for 35 years.

She was a Deputy Head, Special Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator and PSHE Leader in an infant school for many years. Maryanne has always been interested in helping all children to learn and reach their potential and has a particular interest in how their personal development impacts learning.