Privacy Statement



This privacy statement of School Consultancy Tutoring Programme (a trading name of Tutor Your Child Limited) for organisational customers comprises three parts:

  • in Part 1, we explain how we handle the personal information of our organisational customers
  • in Part 2, we explain how we handle the personal information of our customersstudents, and
  • in Part 3, we explain matters of general application, such as our collection of statistical information and how to lodge a complaint.

Personal information”

When we use the term “personal information”, we mean information about identified or identifiable individuals.

Part 1 – Personal information of our customers

This part of the statement is about the personal information of our customers’ personnel

Those of our customers that are educational institutions are organisations so in this part of the statement we’re talking about the personal information of our customers’ staff, agents and contractors and how we handle it. We refer to such individuals as “you” and “your” and we refer to the organisational customer or potential customer as the “customer”.

The personal information we collect from our customers

We collect and process the following kinds of personal information from our customers:

  • Business contacts: If you’re a key business contact for the customer’s account (or potential account) with us then, in addition to your organisation’s name and address, we’ll collect your contact details, including first and last name, email address, job role and work phone number.
  • Operational contacts: If you’re involved in arranging assessments of students or if you have or will have access to our online programme services or if you process our invoices, we may collect your personal information as well (either directly from you or from one of your colleagues in the belief they are authorised to provide it to us). You could, for example, be a teacher or teaching assistant, or a contact within your organisation’s accounts department. In each case, the kinds of personal information we collect comprise some or all of your first and last name, email address, work phone number and job role.
  • Information provided when seeking support: If you provide personal information when seeking support from us, we will collect that personal information.
  • Statistical information: Our systems generate statistical information to help us evaluate the use of our online programme services. Much of this is not personal information (as it’s not really about you) but in some cases it can be linked to your login so, to be open with you, we’ve included it here.

Except for the statistical information that our systems generate, if you’re providing this information to us directly, it’s your choice whether to do so. If you don’t provide it, we may not be able to provide particular services, for which we need the information, to you or your organisation.

Why we collect and how we use your personal information

We collect the personal information we’ve described above:

  • so we know who to deal with in relation to forming and managing agreements for the sale of our services;
  • to liase with relevant customer staff and contacts when providing services; and
  • to inform our customers of service updates, training opportunities, support materials and the like.

The legal basis for our collecting and processing your personal information

We collect and process your personal information because:

  • you have given it to us or allowed your organisation to give it to us, or because your organisation is otherwise permitted to give it to us, for the relevant purposes above; and
  • we need to collect and process the information to provide the services the customer has requested.

Who the information will be shared with

Your information will be held by School Consultancy Tutoring Programme (a trading name of Tutor Your Child Limited) and may be viewed by our personnel. We are based in the United Kingdom.

We also use a number of “processors”. Processors are other organisations that have a role in processing the personal information we collect or hold (e.g., website hosting services) to enable us to provide our services to customers. Personal information may be provided to these processors as part of delivery of the services.

How long we keep your information

We keep your personal information for as long as it’s required for the purposes set out above.

We will hold on to it until:

  • we longer have a valid reason for keeping it; or
  • you ask us to stop using it,

unless the law requires us to hold on to it for a longer period for specific purposes.

How we secure your information

Your personal information is held in one or more secure environments and we only use processors where we are confident that they have appropriate technical and organisational security measures in place to protect your information from unauthorised access, disclosure, alteration, destruction, and loss.

If you have login access to our services, you need to protect your account by selecting a suitably strong password known only to you. You need to look after your login details and not share them with anyone.

No automated decision-making or profiling

We do not use any automated decision-making or profiling.

Your rights

You have the following rights:


You can ask whether we hold personal information about you and request copies of such information and information about how it is processed.


You can ask us to correct your personal information if it’s inaccurate.


You can ask us to delete your personal information where it’s no longer necessary for the purposes we’ve described above or where you withdraw consent you’d previously given to our processing (and we don’t have another legal ground for processing), where you have good grounds for objecting to our processing or where our processing is contrary to law.

Restricted processing

You can ask us to restrict the processing of your personal information where the processing is inappropriate.


You can object to our processing of your personal information.

Withdrawal of consent

When you consent to our processing your personal information for a specified purpose, you may withdraw your consent at any time, and we will stop any further processing of your information for that purpose.


You can ask us for a portable copy of your personal information that we hold.


You can lodge a complaint with a relevant supervisory authority (see below).

If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please contact us at

Part 2 – Personal information of our customersstudents

Our customers have their own privacy statements

As the provider of online and associated services to educational institutions, we do not have a direct relationship with students. We only come into contact with students when the customer determines that a student needs to be assessed, has obtained whatever consents are required to that occurring, and instructs us accordingly. When we undertake an assessment, we are doing so on the customers behalf.

Our processing of that information is addressed in our standard agreement with the customer, including a Data Processing Addendum that forms a part of that agreement.

Where personal information is obtained from students in connection with an assessment, those students or their parents can expect to obtain privacy-related disclosures from the customer. It is the customer’s responsibility to tell those people what they need to know in relation to the handling of studentspersonal information and, when required, our processing of it.

We do ask that you anonymise all student data sent to us in accordance with our guidelines and therefore any breach of privacy is untraceable to the students we are working with.

But we also explain here how we handle studentspersonal information

We appreciate, however, that some customers like to understand – from this privacy statement – how we handle the personal information of their students. We do, therefore, address that in this statement as well. Our doing so does not limit our customersresponsibility to explain, to their students, what is done with the personal information we collect on their behalf.

We process student information in accordance with the customers instructions

We process studentspersonal information (we request this is anonlymised using our guidelines) in order to provide our services that the customer has asked us to undertake. We only do so in accordance with the agreement we have with our customers. We do not store studentspersonal information within our website.  However student information may in future be stored within our secure online portal and accessible by our staff, your staff who you have identified to us as requiring access and our subprocessors for the purposes of providing technical support.

Confidentiality, security, and protection of studentspersonal information

Under our agreement, we are required to treat studentspersonal information in our possession as confidential and not disclose it to any third party other than in accordance with the agreement or use it for purposes unrelated to our services under the agreement. We do not share the personal information of a customers students with third parties, we do not sell the personal information to anyone, we do not market to students, and we do not contact students for any other purpose.

Our personnel are under a corresponding duty of confidentiality in relation to studentspersonal information to which they may have access only as a necessary part of their work.

We are also required by our agreement, and we do:

  • maintain and enforce reasonable safety and security procedures and safeguards against the destruction, loss, alteration or unauthorised disclosure of, or unauthorised access to, studentspersonal information in our possession or control;
  • notify the customer if we become aware of or suspect any unauthorised access to or use of studentspersonal information; and
  • in such circumstances, take steps to stop the unauthorised access and prevent its reoccurrence.

Deletion of studentspersonal information at end of agreement

When our agreement with the customer comes to an end, the customer may ask us to return or destroy the personal information of students that we hold. If we receive no such request within 30 days, we will delete it (except to the extent we are required by law or a claim to retain it).

Part 3 – Matters of general application

Statistical information

We collect non-identifying statistical information about visits to our website (regardless of whether a visitor is logged in). Site statistics allow us to assess the number of visitors to different sections of the website, identify what information is of interest, monitor system performance and help us make the site more useful to visitors.

How to lodge a complaint

If you have any concern about your privacy or wish to lodge a complaint, you can contact us or the Information Commissioner:

Changes and questions

We may change this privacy statement from time to time. If we make a significant change, we’ll notify you, either by emailing your organisation’s key contact (who, if you’re not that person, can tell you) or by placing a notice on our website.

If you’ve any questions about this statement, feel free to get in touch. We’d be happy to answer them.

DATE OF STATEMENT: NOVEMBER 2022; Amended March 2024