Student F: Year 9 Targeted Provision

Student F arrived as a refugee at the start of Year 9.  She spoke little English. Although she seemed able in school, she had gaps in the National Curriculum requirements for her age for maths.  Student F remained in Year 9 secondary lessons within school, but these maths lessons were supplemented twice a week with the tutorials from the SCP programme to boost language and learning, working through her individual Roadmap of gaps in her understanding and skills.

She has proved a fast learner and very determined. Within two terms, she has mastered speaking English and has closed many of her maths gaps, especially in number, and is moving at pace through the rest of her targets on her Roadmap.  She has a great attitude to learning. She works hard in lessons and takes home the work to practise, in order to speed up her own learning and progress.

Although she finds some areas of maths, which rely on language, difficult, (e.g. shape, movement), she is becoming more secure as her English improves and has worked hard to overcome these difficulties.

It is expected that by the first term into Year 10, she will have completed the programme, have a solid foundation from which to advance to GCSE exams.

Initial gap summary

  • Confidence in writing numbers greater than 4-digits, and associated learning (e.g. comparing, rounding, reading and writing).
  • F understood numbers were negative below zero, but could not calculate using negative numbers.
  • Secure knowledge of fractions to year 2 including fraction of number and had some knowledge of converting tenths to decimals. F was not secure in fraction operations, other decimal equivalents, equivalent fractions and other associated fraction and decimal calculations.
  • Secure in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division operations and efficient methods for calculation.
The School Consultancy Tutoring Programme Student F: Year 9 Targeted Provision case study

Summary after two terms using the programme for ‘targeted’ intervention using the programme to supplement F’s maths lessons:

The School Consultancy Tutoring Programme Student F: Year 9 Targeted Provision case study

Progress in more detail (through TA meetings and review of work)

Initial weeks
F was nervous and unaware of British schooling system. She attended all regular maths lessons plus started the maths programme to address/strengthen gaps in areas she was not as confident in. F is a motivated learner and enthusiastically attended lessons and put extra time into her learning.

Term-one review
F’s progress was at a slower pace this term whilst she also picked up the language. However, once her English improved, she picked things up quickly and made links to her previous learning. She became secure in place value of numbers up to 8-digits, and reading and writing numbers in words. Her teaching assistant advises that she is a pleasure to teach and motivated and committed to her own progress.

Term-two review
F has become more fluent in English and has started to take home work. She has made the most of her time on the programme, worked well with her teaching assistant (tutor), and is making excellent progress now in fractions and decimals to fill previous gaps in knowledge and understanding. With her fast pace and drive, she is predicted to complete the intervention programme within 1-2 terms.

Summary shown in bar chart below:

The School Consultancy Tutoring Programme Student F: Year 9 Targeted Provision case study

Next term’s focus

F to:

  • Continue working on fractions, decimals and percentages through to year 6.
  • Secure rounding at negative numbers to year 6 level.
  • Ratio and proportion
  • Area and perimeter
  • Measurement including mass, capacity, length and temperature.

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