Quick and comprehensive answers to the queries you may have about our programme.

Whether you’re a new school exploring our programme or a returning school seeking additional information, our FAQs aim to streamline your experience by addressing common enquiries.

If you can’t find the information you’re looking for, feel free to contact us for assistance.

Once we have met with you, either face-to-face or remotely, and you have identified the students you are concerned about, and given us agreement, we can provide you with the assessment papers to get started straight away. Once completed, we will use these to assess the students, produce baseline tracking, ‘Roadmaps’, training and log on details so you can get started.

Our fees are quoted per student per year. However, the fees are paid termly. If a student leaves the school, or completes the programme part way through the academic year, you will only pay for the term in which they were using the programme.

We will liaise with the tutor/teaching assistant and support them as to the next steps depending on the circumstances for each individual student.

We hope to turn all assessments round within 3-4 weeks and produce tracking and a way forward for the school. However, this will depend on the number of students and may be quicker.

Yes – we ask tutors to send back feedback using the online form and copies of any assessments from their students either weekly or every three weeks depending on whether the students are on a specialist or targeted provision. We use this contact to check the student is on track and liaise with the tutors over any problems they are experiencing. We also keep SLT advised of feedback received and any concerns.

There is no limit to how many students can take part in the programme.

Once a student is working at their correct level of understanding, you should see progress very quickly. Some students make accelerated progress as suddenly things fall into place quite quickly – and they then fly through the programme with concepts making more sense. For others, especially those with special educational needs, progress can be slower but they will all be moving in the right direction.

We will visit your school once a term to discuss each targeted student and twice a term to discuss specialist students. This meeting may also be held remotely.

We will set up a specific section on the portal just for your school on the website www.schoolconsultancyprogramme.co.uk and provide each tutor with their own log in details which they will use to access the videos and worksheets.

We ask tutors to send back feedback through the online form, and send copies of any assessments from their students, either weekly or every three weeks depending on whether the students are on a specialist or targeted provision. We use this to update the student’s tracking.

Yes – our standard training in person (either remotely or at your school) is for one morning or afternoon and costs £400. This will cover how children learn and develop in maths, what happens when gaps arise in their understanding and the impact this has, and how our programme works. It will also cover teaching tips and how to run the sessions.

We also have a videoed training session, with slides, which we can provide for a much lower cost and also offer top up training sessions.

Yes. In addition to the worksheets which are provided at three different levels of challenge for each tutorial (with answers) and the end-of-topic assessments, we also can provide each student and tutor with their own bag of resources and posters to support their learning at their level. We find these resources particularly useful with students who require more specialist provision and need concrete and visual methods of learning.

Yes. As our programme covers all year groups from Year 1 to Year 6, and we can provide resources tailored to the needs of each student, our programme is ideal for students within specialist schools who need a structured programme to work them through to achievement in maths.

We don’t work with private tutors through our school consultancy programme, but private tutors may find our resources on our www.tutoryourchild.co.uk website useful to follow.

Here we offer bundles to purchase separately and also a ‘Curriculum Steps Programme’ which structures a student through all the topics of maths for each year group (1 to 6) by providing a weekly tutoring session.   

Initially we will invoice your school for the number of students receiving assessments, and then each term we will invoice for the number of students using the programme. If students leave school for any reason or have completed the programme, they will only pay for the last term in which they left/completed the programme.

Maryanne and Sue have a combined teaching and tutoring experience of over 40 years. We have created our programme using our extensive experience not only of the National Curriculum requirements, but also the impact we have seen to young people’s mental health from loss of confidence and self-belief from falling behind in their achievements.

We would like to see all young people being given the opportunity to recap, and make up for, gaps in an earlier part of their education which otherwise prevents them being able to progress with future learning and reach their potential and chosen career path.

Could your school benefit from our programme?
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