We offer a package of support for primary schools, secondary schools and colleges.

Our programme identifies gaps in students’ primary learning which is preventing them from progressing and reaching their potential in maths.

Once we have identified the gaps, we produce a ‘roadmap’ of tutorials through our programme to fill these gaps, raise their confidence and get back on track.  In some cases, this may not take very long and could be simply as small misconception and misunderstanding which is preventing them from understanding further concepts. We then work alongside the schools and colleges to support students through to success.

All our tutorials are carefully structured, with small steps and modern teaching methods. They are easy to follow and can be delivered solely by a teaching assistant, saving costs and teacher time, and upskilling teaching assistants.

Primary Schools

Supporting students from year 1 to year 6 with programmes of study.

Secondary Schools

Supporting students held back by gaps in primary maths understanding.


Supporting students retaking maths but having gaps in understanding.

Could your school benefit from our programme?
Let’s talk

We’re ready to help you. Our expert consultants are here, just send a message.