Student A: Year 7 Specialist Provision

Student A started the programme in Year 7. At this time, she had significant gaps in her understanding of number at, and above, Year 2 level and numbers above 2-digits. She was unable to access content at secondary level due to these gaps in her skills and understanding. Her confidence was low and she felt negative about maths, which also impacted other areas of her learning and her self-esteem.

Student A was removed from secondary lessons where she could not access the content, and her maths lessons replaced with the programme, following the order of topics and tutorials from her individual Roadmap to build back her understanding.

After one term of using the programme, she developed her understanding and methods for calculation and is making good progress. In the number areas of maths worked through, she is now working at Year 3/4 level and her confidence and self-belief is growing. She is now confidently helping another student in her group, explaining the methods which is not only strengthening her own understanding but also giving her more confidence in herself.

Initial gap summary

  • Partially secure understanding place value of 3-digit numbers but consolidation needed together with working with numbers up to 3 digits (e.g. rounding, writing, comparing)
  • Limited knowledge of addition and subtraction above 2-digit +/-  1-digit numbers. Needs understanding of sustainable column methods for addition and subtraction
  • Not secure with the meaning and links of multiplication and division, and needs to secure methods to solve multiplication and division calculations
  • All negative number knowledge required
  • Limited fraction knowledge above year 2. No decimal understanding
Student A: Year 7 Specialist Provision Case Study

Summary after one term using the programme for ‘Specialist’ intervention using the programme to replace all maths lessons:

Student A: Year 7 Specialist Provision

Progress in more detail (through TA meetings and review of work)

Initial weeks
A needed significant help and did not always feel positive about her learning. She had very little confidence in herself and needed to continually recap each previous lesson to secure understanding. She needed constant encouragement that she ‘can’ do it to change her mindset.

Mid-term review
A has progressed well and is now showing stronger place value (PV) knowledge and explaining answers using PV language. A finds rounding difficult and works better when given structured strategies e.g. using the rounding line.

End of term review
Working with 3-digit numbers, A can now use column methods to add but still needs more practise subtracting in the right order of digits and using, and understanding, exchange. Place value and rounding are now much more secure. A is progressing with understanding inverse and negative number operations but needs more practice in these areas.

Summary shown in bar chart below:

Student A: Year 7 Specialist Provision Case Study

Next term’s focus

A to:

  • Continue to secure column subtraction exchange methods, and the link with addition.
  • Secure the deeper meaning of multiplication and division using concrete and visual methods, before moving to times tables practise and short multiplication and division methods.
  • Recap the meaning of fractions, how to write, compare and find a fraction of a number.
  • Start links with fraction/decimal equivalents in tenths

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