Student B: Year 7 Targeted Provision

When student B was assessed in Year 7, it was clear he was secure in some areas of maths but had significant gaps in other areas, particularly understanding larger numbers, fractions and decimals, and multiplication and division methods. He was managing to participate in secondary maths lessons in school, but these specific gaps were inevitably going to make it difficult for him to access certain areas of the secondary maths curriculum and make links and sense with previous learning.

Student B continued with secondary lessons but these were supplemented with one lesson each week towards the end of the Autumn term, using the SCP programme to secure these gaps and make sure he is in the best possible position to access future maths topics in class.

Following three terms of using the programme, student B is now confident in his understanding of numbers up to 8-digits and has developed a secure and accurate strategy for negative number calculations. He can now confidently use short multiplication and division strategies and is moving on to long multiplication and division methods. Student B is progressing well and picking up the gaps in his primary learning quickly, developing a more reasoned understanding. This can often happen quite quickly when more mature students get the opportunity to revisit previous learning for the second time and suddenly it can all make sense and links fall into place.

Continuing with secondary lessons has meant student B has not missed any regular lessons with his peer group and although he may have found some of these lessons challenging, he is securing his primary foundations at the same time.

Initial gap summary

  • Accuracy in writing numbers greater than 4-digits, especially the value of zero, and using place value language to compare
  • Accuracy and strategy for negative number calculations
  • Secure methods for solving multiplication and division, including short and long division methods for 3-digits and above
  • B has a real lack of knowledge surrounding fractions and decimals. He is able to add and subtract fractions only where the denominator is the same. All further operations, equivalent fractions and decimals/percentages needs to be secured.
  • Secure in addition and subtraction, and rounding
The School Consultancy Tutoring Programme Student B: Year 7 Targeted Provision case study

Summary after three terms using the programme for ‘targeted’ intervention using the programme to supplement B’s maths lessons:

The School Consultancy Tutoring Programme Student B: Year 7 Targeted Provision case study

Progress in more detail (through TA meetings and review of work)

Initial weeks
B did not start the programme immediately in the term. He joined towards the end and initially was unsure about attending an extra maths group but came along and engaged in the lessons. He seemed a fairly fast learner and seemed to pick things up relatively quickly following initial support and guidance.

Term-one review
B now understands the value of zero as a place holder in numbers and understands place value up to 8-digits. He is able to work with these larger numbers for reasoning, comparing, rounding, reading and writing.

Term-two review
B has been working on negative number calculations using the number line strategy. This took a while for him to understand but he now seems less confused and he is progressing confidently. B has also secured short multiplication and division methods using 3-digit numbers.

Term-three review
B is now confident in his calculation strategies for all negative number operations. He is able to apply short multiplication and division methods for numbers up to 4-digits and understands factors and multiples. He is progressing quickly through the programme in the lesson time he has available.

Summary shown in bar chart below:

The School Consultancy Tutoring Programme Student B: Year 7 Targeted Provision case study

Next term’s focus

B to:

  • Long multiplication and division methods
  • Equivalent fractions
  • Fraction operations (initially addition and subtraction using equivalent fractions and moving onto multiplication of fractions)
  • Fraction and decimal equivalents for tenths and hundredths   
  • Improper fractions and mixed numbers
  • Understanding percentages, the fraction and decimal equivalents and how to calculate a percentage

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What's included in our Programme?

Individual student assessment (with baseline tracking) across 20 areas of maths and identifying gaps in skills and understanding

Individual ‘Roadmap’ of tutorials (in topics) for each student to work through to close these gaps

Suggested student groupings based on similar needs

Access to all videoed tutorials to watch as many times as needed

Access to PDF supporting worksheets for each tutorial, at three levels of challenge (with answers)

Assessment PDF worksheet (with answers) at the end of each topic for students to complete independently to confirm they are now secure in this topic area. Anything they do find difficult can be identified from this assessment and revisited before moving on.

An individual file is provided for each student to keep assessment and worksheets chronologically filed plus pre-printed upcoming work

Collecting of student feedback every three weeks from tutors/teaching assistants  (weekly for ‘Specialist Provision’), with reporting back to SLT on feedback received

Once a term meetings (remote or in-person) (twice termly for ‘Specialist Provision’)  to monitor each student’s progress, and support and guide the tutors/teaching assistants running the programme

Twice annual updates to the baseline tracking for each individual student

Reports available from the tracking data 

‘Specialist Provision’ includes an annual EHCP supporting report 

Optional maths pack of appropriate resources and posters available for tutors/teaching assistants and students

Half-day training sessions available, together with top-up training sessions

Free email support for queries from tutors/teaching assistants and SLT

Extra meetings available with SLT as and when needed