Student D: Year 7 Specialist Provision

When student D started the programme, she had significant gaps in her understanding of numbers above 2-digits. She relied on pictorial methods of calculation for the operations and, as a result, was unable to work with larger numbers.  She could not access content at Year 7 level due to these significant gaps in her skills and understanding.  Through becoming significantly behind, she had also lost all confidence in maths and was apprehensive and self-conscious about opening up with what she was finding difficult.  She would often not attend maths lessons or delay getting into class as an avoidance technique.

Student D was removed from secondary lessons, and her maths lessons replaced with the SCP programme, following the order of topics and tutorials from her individual Roadmap to build back her understanding and work at her level.

After two terms of using the programme, she has made significant progress not only in her achievements, but also within her confidence and enjoyment of her maths lessons.  She is able to understand numbers up to 4-digits, use column calculation methods for addition and subtraction, multiply and divide and is starting to be able to calculate using negative numbers.

The TA has reported that D is ‘enjoying the programme, likes the lessons and achieving, is now always punctual and is progressing well. She works hard, and has improved her attitude and confidence towards maths.  D works well using kinaesthetic strategies first to secure understanding, and using rhymes and structured approaches to secure methods. In these smaller sessions, and using the resources within her SCP maths pack, the TA has been able to support her learning in her style and at her level and pace.    

D is starting to develop more quickly now, and rather than avoid new topics, she is confident and motivated that she will be able to complete the work.

Initial gap summary

  • Secure with 2-digit number understanding and starting to understand 3-digit place value but more consistency and deeper understanding needed.
  • No knowledge of rounding or understanding of negative numbers.
  • D is able to add and subtract 2-digit numbers but relies on infant-school pictorial strategies and now needs to  understand more sustainable column methods for addition and subtraction.
  • D understands the meaning of multiplication and division as sharing, and is secure in concrete and visual methods for solving simple problems. Gaps in x-tables knowledge, and short multiplication and division methods needed for working with larger numbers.
  • Limited fraction knowledge above year 1. D is unsure what is meant by a fraction, how write and any link to decimal understanding.
The School Consultancy Tutoring Programme Student D: Year 7 Specialist Provision case study

Summary after two terms using the programme for ‘Specialist’ intervention using the programme to replace all maths lessons:

The School Consultancy Tutoring Programme Student D: Year 7 Specialist Provision case study

Progress in more detail (through TA meetings and review of work)

Initial weeks
D was apprehensive and self-conscious about opening up to the TA and needed a lot of encouragement to commit to the programme. She needed a lot of support using 3-digit numbers and < > signs but by week 2, encouraged by her progress, she was more confident in her abilities, was more focused and did not need as much help. She quickly let her barriers down and started engaging with all maths. The TA reported she is enjoying the structure of the programme and seeing D progress.

Term-one review
D progressing well and as well as understanding 4-digit numbers, she is now able to work with these (e.g. rounding). She is starting to understand column methods for addition and subtraction, although she still prefers to rely on pictorial ‘dienes’ methods and still need to develop a deeper understanding of exchange for subtraction. D works well when she understands why she is doing something, the links to her understanding and tips and strategies to help her calculate (e.g. using rhymes for rounding and odd/even numbers).

Term-two review
D has secured understanding of negative numbers in sequence and can add/subtract small numbers using a number line in divisions of 1. She is now confident using column methods for addition and subtraction and the concept of ‘exchange’ without the need for pictures. D is starting to use grid multiplication methods although she still prefers arrays and pictorial methods. Equally D prefers to use sharing methods for division and is now starting to use division facts and chunking. Through using her deeper understanding of multiplication, she is able to use ‘links’ to calculate those times tables she is unable to recall.

Summary shown in bar chart below:

The School Consultancy Tutoring Programme Student D: Year 7 Specialist Provision case study

NB: Rounding and negative number learning starts at Year 3

Next term’s focus

D to:

  • Secure short multiplication and division methods.
  • Recap the meaning of fractions, how to write and compare fractions and find a fraction of a number.
  • Calculating equivalent fractions, and addition and subtraction of fractions.
  • Understand links with fraction/decimal equivalents in tenths and hundredths.

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