We will work with your school to create 1:1 plans for individual children or groups to work through with a teaching assistant.

We recognise the challenges schools face due to the demanding curriculum, time constraints, and limited resources. Understanding the commitment of schools to help every child reach their full potential, regardless of their needs, adds to the workload for teachers and support staff. We also know how rapidly children can fall behind due to various factors, such as additional needs, absences, or the swift pace of the curriculum.

Through our programme, we will collaborate with your school to develop personalised 1:1 plans for individual children or groups, facilitating their progress with the assistance of a teaching assistant. Everything is meticulously structured and planned, with all necessary worksheets and resources readily available. This approach not only addresses the needs of the students but also supports parents, senior leadership, governors, and meet the demands of Ofsted to make sure the teaching and learning meet the requirements of every child.

Response from Children

“This is the first time I have understood maths”

Response from Teaching Assistants

“Thank you for putting something in place that is easy to follow and structured. I know exactly what I am doing and where I am going!”

Response from Parents

“They are loving their ‘special group’ maths”

How we can support your school

By working with schools, we are able to take the pressure off teachers and senior leaders by offering a complete, comprehensive, prewritten programme to close gaps in students’ skills and understanding to help them get back on track, move back to age-appropriate work with confidence and to achieve their potential in maths.

People Trust Impreza
Average 5-Star Reviews

Collaborate for Success

By working together and collaborating with their fellow peers on our programme, every student can progress at their own pace and skill level, ensuring a pathway to personal achievement.

Training and Support

TA’s will undergo comprehensive training, acquiring proficiency in both the progression of maths learning and effective teaching methods. Full guidance on utilising our programme will ensure effective and impactful teaching.

Streamlined Student Progression

Our programme efficiently utilises teaching assistant time to guide students through a structured progression, without requiring additional teacher planning.

Cost-Efficient Education

Teaching assistants can deliver our tutoring programme under the guidance of our consultants, therefore providing cost-efficient, effective, managed intervention without compromising quality.

Insightful Reports

We provide comprehensive reports to schools, allowing you to assess progress against set targets. These reports not only serve as a valuable tool for internal evaluation but also support Ofsted requirements.

Dedicated Consultant Support

You will receive support from our experienced consultants throughout the entire duration of the programme. Regular update meetings ensures you have the assistance and insights needed to maximise the benefits of the programme.

and so much more…

Take a look at all of the benefits our programme provides.

Could your school benefit from our programme?

Complete our short form and one of our consultants will be in touch soon to provide you with further information about how our programme can support your school.

What's included in our Programme?

Individual child assessment (with baseline tracking) across 20 areas of maths and identifying gaps in skills and understanding

Individual ‘Roadmap’ of tutorials (in topics) for each child to work through to close these gaps

Suggested children groupings based on similar needs

Access to all videoed tutorials to watch as many times as needed

Access to PDF supporting worksheets for each tutorial, at three levels of challenge (with answers)

Assessment PDF worksheet (with answers) at the end of each topic for children to complete independently to confirm they are now secure in this topic area. Anything they do find difficult can be identified from this assessment and revisited before moving on.

An individual file is provided for each child to keep assessment and worksheets chronologically filed plus pre-printed upcoming work

Collecting of child feedback every three weeks from tutors/teaching assistants  (weekly for ‘Specialist Provision’), with reporting back to SLT on feedback received

Once a term meetings (remote or in-person) (twice termly for ‘Specialist Provision’)  to monitor each child’s progress, and support and guide the tutors/teaching assistants running the programme

Twice annual updates to the baseline tracking for each individual child

Reports available from the tracking data 

‘Specialist Provision’ includes an annual EHCP supporting report 

Optional maths pack of appropriate resources and posters available for tutors/teaching assistants and children

Half-day training sessions available, together with top-up training sessions

Free email support for queries from tutors/teaching assistants and SLT

Extra meetings available with SLT as and when needed

School Feedback

Our Impact

We have been so inspired to see the progress of so many of the students using the programme. Not only can we see students moving forwards in their understanding and skills in maths, but many have restored their confidence and self-belief in their own abilities, which can then have a positive impact on the rest of their school life.

Please take a look at some of the case studies for individual students.

Could your school benefit from our programme?

If you need more information, let’s talk

We’re ready to help you. Our expert consultants are here, just send a message.